Medical Tourism in Mexico

What we offer

Conscious of the economic conditions in Mexico and around the world, and taking into account that in many countries plastic surgery is extremely expensive and inaccessible, we offer surgical procedures at reasonable prices, with an excellent cost-result benefit and without compromising international standards of medical quality and service. We offer various different hospitalization options, all with first-rate facilities, materials and equipment.

We offer the following benefits:

  • Board-certified plastic surgeons
  • Medical services at accessible costs
  • Preferred pricing for laboratory tests (up to 50% discount)
  • In-office blood samples
  • All-inclusive packages for any aesthetic surgery procedure
  • Discounts of up to 50% on hospital costs with participating hospitals
  • 50% discount on second surgery on the same patient (advance notice required)
  • Financing may be available
  • Most credit cards accepted


Dr. Alfredo Meza
Cirugía Plástica Estética

Avenida Teopanzolco Num. 213, Suite 302 Col. Vista Hermosa Cuernavaca, Morelos CP. 62290

Tel: 01 (777) 3 22 99 50.
from U.S.: 011 -52-777- 322 9950

Affordable excellence in plastic surgery