Contact us

Contact us

If you're considering aesthetic plastic surgery, contact us and our medical staff or, whenever possible, Dr. Alfredo Meza Pérez himself will personally provide the information you need to resolve your doubts, questions and concerns.

We're certain that plastic surgery will be the first step to improve your self-esteem, to feel better, and to improve your quality of life at home, work and with friends. 

For an assessment please email us at:


Dr. Alfredo Meza
Cirugía Plástica Estética

Avenida Teopanzolco Num. 213, Suite 302
Col. Vista Hermosa Cuernavaca, Morelos CP. 62290

Tel: 01 (777) 3 22 99 50.

from U.S.: 011 -52-777- 322 9950