Augmentation Mammoplasty
(Breast augmentation surgery, breast implants)

Breast implantsWe are known for our excellent results in breast implantsThroughout history the breast has been considered a symbol of femininity, and often a woman with small breasts feels inferior and less desirable in comparison to her well-endowed peers. The size and shape of a woman's breasts are extremely important to her physical image, and studies show that an anatomically constructed breast improves self-confidence, self-esteem, and interpersonal relations. The tremendous public demand for breast augmentation led to the development of alloplastic materials (silicone prostheses or breast implants) for the clinical condition known as mammary hypoplasia. In recent years and thanks to the perfection of mammary prostheses and safe and effective surgical techniques, breast augmentation has become one of the most frequently performed procedures in aesthetic plastic surgery. The experienced hands of the surgeon can produce remarkable results, with breasts that appear natural and remain that way for life, and an attractive figure that fits the individualized preferences of each patient.

Candidates. In general terms, patients with underdeveloped breasts (medically known as mammary hypoplasia), a condition that appears in puberty and is almost always congenital in origin, it is usually bilateral, but can be unilateral. Hypoplasia can range from a complete absence of development to normal size breasts. Each patient must carefully select the type of implant as well as size of the enlargement. For natural results, the width, height and projection of the bust must all be taken into consideration. The most commonly used implants are round implants, which enhance the forward projection of the breast, and anatomical, or "teardrop," implants, which have a more aesthetically natural look. The size of the implant may be limited by characteristics of the skin and the existing breast tissue, as the skin must be sufficiently elastic to allow for the full coverage of the implant. The balance of the breast with the body as a whole is important to ensure a natural look.

Surgery. The surgery takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes and can be safely performed on an outpatient basis. The type of anesthesia depends on the preferences of the surgeon in consultation with the patient; local anesthesia combined with intravenous sedation works well, although some patients prefer to be completely sedated. The incision in which the implant will be inserted is either made in the fold beneath the breast or in the lower portion of the areola depending on the patient. The implant is placed below the breast tissue (subglandularly) or below the pectoral muscle (subpectorally). A space is opened along the incision line in which the implant is placed. At the end of the procedure the skin is carefully closed and a dressing and soft bandages are applied to the chest area.

Postoperative care. Recovery is typically rapid; most patients experience no discomfort, remain in the clinic for 2 to 3 hours and then go home. Analgesics, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics are routinely prescribed. The breasts may be irritated and sensitive to touch for the first week, and a slight sensation of tightness may occur as the skin adapts to the new breast size. Rest is recommended for five days, but most patients return to to their regular activities within a week, with certain additional restrictions depending on the individual. A special support bra is prescribed, and once the stitches have been removed, the patient is taught to practice a gentle massage at home.

breasts before   breast implants
breasts   breast implants
breasts   breast implants

Actual before and after photos with 300 cc super high round implants


breast enlargement   breast augmentation
breasts   breast enlargement
breasts   anatomical breast implants
Actual before and after photos with anatomical implants
