Director of Plástica Médica
Professional license
Board Certification by Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery
Specialist license
Aesthetic facial surgery and body contouring, hand surgery, reconstructive surgery of lower extremities, microsurgery, maxillofacial trauma, burns, cutaneous tumors.
1980-1986 |
Licenciatura in Medicine; degree in Surgical Medicine. Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México School of Medicine, Mexico.
Academic distinctions: recognized for having ranked in the top three in class. |
1987 |
Internship in General Surgery. General Hospital of Mexico S.S |
1988-1991 |
Specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Department of Health of Federal District, Mexico SSDF. |
February 1991 |
Board certification by Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery |
2001 |
Re-certification by Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery |
( courses taken )
Attended over 80 national and international events related to the specialty
(courses, workshops, symposiums and congresses). |
1993 |
AO International Maxillofacial Course. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen/Association for the Study of Internal Fixation (AO/ASIF). |
1997 |
Course in Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS).
American College of Surgeons |
2000 |
Medical Teaching Certificate UNAM Medical School ( 276 hours) |
2001 |
Workshop. Medical Practice Based on Scientific Evidence. Department of Education and Research of the Health Department of the Federal District. Mexico. |
Certificate in Integrated Hospital Management. Universidad del Valle de México. Department of Institutional Continuing Education (120 hours). |
Participation as invited lecturer at over 100 national and international conferences in continuing education, congresses and symposiums of the specialty.
1995 |
Adjunct professor. International course: "Innovations in Surgery and Rehabilitation of the Hand" Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. Postgraduate university course in Plastic Surgery. SSDF. |
1995-1999 |
Adjunct professor. Pre-internship / Elective course:
Basic Principles of Plastic Surgery. UNAM School of Medicine. |
2000 |
Undergraduate elective: Basic Principles of Plastic Surgery. UNAM School of Medicine. |
2003-2004 |
XIII and XIV Course in Theoretical Principles and Continuing Education in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery.
Organizer and General Coordinator. Continuing Medical Education Committee. Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. |
1991-2005 |
Associate Professor of Undergraduate and Graduate Education. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. UNAM School of Medicine. Postgraduate program in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Department of Health of Federal District, Mexico. |
2003-2005 |
Adjunct Professor. Postgraduate program in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. UNAM School of Medicine. Department of Health of Federal District, Mexico. |
1995-2005 |
Invited Professor for Continuing Medical Education on Maxillofacial Osteosynthesis (Leibinger System), Germany |
1994-date |
Invited Professor, annual course on Theoretical Principles and Continuing Education in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. |
1995 |
Manejo de cicatrices hipertróficas con placa de gel de silicón. [Management of hypertrophic scars with silicone gel plates]
1995 |
Manejo de área donadora de colgajo chino reversa con expansión tisular. [Management of donor area of radial forearm flap with primary tissue expansion] |
1996 |
La versatilidad de la z plastía romboidal. Un estudio multicéntrico. [Versatility of rhomboidal z-plasty. Multi-center study] |
1997 |
Estudio anatómico de los patrones arteriales del dorso de la mano. [Anatomic study of the arterial patterns in the dorsal of the hand] |
1997 |
Colgajos venosos en trauma de mano. [Venous flaps in hand trauma] |
1998 |
Implante de politetrafluoroetileno en la reconstrucción de miembro pélvico con colgajos de transferencia microquirúrgica. [Polytetrafluoroethylene implant in pelvic reconstruction with microsurgically transferred flaps] |
2001 |
Reparación de lecho ungueal con 2 octilcianoacrilato. [ [Nail bed reconstruction with 2-octyl cyanoacrylate] |
2003 |
Monitoreo de colgajos libres con fibra óptica. [Monitoring of free flaps with fiber optic] |
2005 |
Manejo de lesiones isquémicas con cámara hiperbárica. [Management of ischemic injuries with hyperbaric chamber] |
2005 |
Tratamiento de fracturas de mandíbula con placas absorbibles. [Treatment of mandibular fractures with absorbable plates] |
1. |
Oropeza J, Meza-Pérez A, Haddad J, Vilchis J, Carrera J.
Fracturas del complejo nasoetmoideo. Informe de un estudio multicéntrico. [Nasoethmoid complex fractures. Report of a multicenter study.]
Rev Salud Distr Fed Méx. 1993;2:131-4 |
2. |
Meza-Pérez A, Oropeza J, Gutiérrez E.
Lesiones faciales por agresión física. [Facial injuries from physical aggression.]
Rev Salud Distr Fed Méx. 1994;2:8-11 |
3. |
Oropeza J, González J, Meza-Pérez A, Pacheco R, García H.
Secuelas por utilización de sustancias oleosas para mejoramiento de contorno corporal. Experiencia en su manejo. [Effects of use of oily substances for improvement of body contour. Experience in treatment.]
Cir Plást 1995;5:61-65 |
4. |
Oropeza J, Meza-Pérez A, Guerrero R, Sastre N.
Evolución de la fijación rígida osea en cara. [Evolution of rigid osseous fixation in the face.]
Cir Plást 1997;7:19 |
5. |
Meza-Pérez A, Oropeza J.
Fracturas del complejo orbitocigomatico. Concepto actual de manejo. [Orbitozygomatic complex fractures. Current concepts in treatment.]
Cir Plást 1997;7:66 |
6. |
Oropeza J, Meza-Pérez A, Haddad J, Ruiz J.
Fijación interna ósea con miniplaca de tercera dimensión (3D) en transferencia de segundo dedo de pie a mano. Reporte de un caso. [Internal bone fixation in second-toe to hand transfer with titanium 3-D miniplate. A case report.]
Cir Plast 1997;7:107 |
7. |
Meza-Pérez A, Oropeza J.
Tratamiento de fracturas de mandíbula con el sistema de placas tridimensionales de titanio (3-D) [Treatment of mandibular fractures with the three-dimensional titanium plating system.]
Cir Plást 1998,8:40 |
8. |
Meza-Pérez A.
Fracturas faciales. Selección de conferencias IX Congreso Internacional de Medicina y Cirugía del Trauma. [Facial fractures. Selected papers from IX National and I International Congress of Medicine and Trauma Surgery.]
Trauma 1998;1:142 |
9. |
Meza-Pérez A, Baeza H, Oropeza J, Mayorga F.
Manejo de área donadora de colgajo radial de antebrazo con expansión tisular primaría. [Management of donor area of radial forearm flap with primary tissue expansion.]
Trauma 1999;2:34 |
10. |
Meza-Pérez A.
El vía crucis de posgrado. [The via crucis of the postgraduate.]
Cir Plást 1999;9:30 |
11. |
Oropeza J, Pacheco R, Meza-Pérez A.
Uso de miniplacas 3-D de titanio para fijación interna estable en transferencias de ortejo a mano. [The use of titanium 3-D miniplates for stable fixation in toe to hand transfers.]
Cir Plást 1999;9:105 |
12. |
Gutiérrez V, Oropeza J. Meza-Pérez A.
Reparación de lecho ungueal con 2 octilcianoacrilato. [Nail bed reconstruction with 2-octyl cyanoacrylate.]
Cir Plást 2001;11:61 |
13. |
Meza-Pérez A, Cortez E.
Efecto del dimetilsulfoxido en la formación de cápsula alrededor de implantes de silicón en ratas. [Effect of dimethyl sulfoxide in capsule formation around silicone implants in rats.]
Cir. Plást 2002;12:94-99 |
14. |
Meza-Pérez A, Rodríguez E.
Gigantomastia secundaria a inyección de aceite mineral. Reporte de un caso. [Gigantomastia secondary to mineral oil injection. A case report.]
Gac Med Mex 2004;140(2), 2004 |
15. |
Meza-Pérez A.
Rinoplastia. Experiencia personal. [Rhinoplasty. Personal experience.]
Cir. Plást 2005;15:100-10 |
16. |
Meza-Pérez A.
Editorial. El arte de la cirugia plastica en nuestros dias. [The art of plastic surgery in our times.]
Cir Plast 2007; 17(2): 80-81 |
17. |
Milla C. , Meza-Pérez A.
Monitoreo de colgajos libres con fibra optica. [Monitoring of free flaps with fiber optic.]
Cir Plast 2007; 17(2): 87-93 |
- Professional consultant. Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, A.C. February 1997 to April 2001.
- Treasurer. Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. March 1999 to April 2001.
- Board examiner for physician certification. Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. 1998 to 2006.
- Member, Editorial Board of Revista Cirugía Plástica. Official scientific publication of the Mexican Association of Plastic,
Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, A.C. Since August 1997.
- Member of the Committee for Open Scientific Works for annual Congress of Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, A.C. February 2000-February 2002.
- Coordinator for Continuing Medical Education Committee. Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, A.C. February 2002-February 2004.
- Attending Physician, Plastic Surgery. Dr. Rubén Leñero General Hospital. Department of Health of Federal District, Mexico. 1991 to 2001.
- Chief of Surgery. Dr. Rubén Leñero General Hospital. Department of Health of Federal District, Mexico. 2002 to 2005.
- Diploma of recognition, UNAM Medical School. For the academic distinction of having ranked in the top three in class 1982,1983,1984.
- Letter of recognition issued by UNAM Medical School for receiving MB in all courses 1982 (3rd and 4th semester).
- Note of merit issued by Pediatric Department of 20 de Noviembre Hospital Pediatric Clinic, 1984.
- Recognition by Department of Health of Federal District, Mexico, for valuable contributions over 15 years teaching residents
of Plastic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery. Dr. Rubén Leñero Hospital, 1991-2005
- Letter of academic distinction. Trauma Committee. American College of Surgeons. ATLS course 1997.
- Recognition by Committee for Promotion of Efficiency and Quality of Medical Personnel (Specialist Physician category)
2002-2003. Department of Health, Federal District.
- Recognition issued by Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery for excellence in work as treasurer
of this organization, 1999, 2000, 2001.
- Active Member of Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, A.C.
- Member of Ibero-Latin American Federation of Plastic Surgery.